5 Points of Wellness

April 22, 2010  |  Published Articles

Source: www.newwellnessreview.com

There are 5 Points of Wellness of which most people feel they need to be complete in their lives. Most people in the Western civilized world are lacking in not only one of these components, but nearly all.

In this article, I’m going to explain what these points actually are and how they are defined. So here it goes, the 5 Points of Wellness consist of:

1. Physical
2. Emotional
3. Intellectual
4. Social
5. Spiritual

Now, let’s take each one of these in order and define them.

Physical Wellness
Physical Wellness by definition is the ability to perform daily physiological demands such as walking up stairs, lifting a bag over your head, digesting food, etc. Ways to improve this is to do resistance training, cardiovascular exercise, and have a good nutrition program.

Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness is your ability to cope with daily circumstances in an optimistic, positive, and constructive manner. Ways to improve this is to incorporate more of the physical wellness needs, meditate, and taking time out. A person who is emotionally well is happy, as opposed to depressed or stressed.

Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual Wellness is the ability to learn and to use information to enhance the quality of daily living and optimal functioning. You can improve your intellectual wellness by reading, doing crossword puzzles, or listening to audio learning programs. When you’re intellectually well, you are informed and able to carry objective conversations.

Social Wellness
Social Wellness is your ability to establish positive relationships and be interactive in social situations such as a party, ball game, or family outing. To improve social wellness you can have lunch with some friends or go to a baseball game. When you’re social, you’re less likely to be lonely.

Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual Wellness is the ability to establish values and act on a belief that there is a force greater than that of any human. Ways to become more spiritual are to become more involved in your preexisting faith, such as going to your synagogue or church. Praying is the foundation of spirituality. Those who are spiritual feel more complete as opposed to incomplete.

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